Trying to make use of the down time between Christmas and New Years? Here are 7 things to do in the next week between Christmas & New Years to jazz up your sales:
- Read a bestselling business book. During the holidays the new book display is easy to find at the book store. Pick one that looks interesting and read it to find out what current thought is in the business world. It can also provide content for a conversation starter with customers.
- Buy a subscription to People magazine. I got this idea from John Jantsch's book Duct Tape Marketing (plus I've read People for years!). For the last 20 years People magazine has sold more magazines than any other. People will help you get a feel for what the "majority of Americans want to fight, find, lose, gain, have, give or embrace" according to Jantsch. If your customers are men and women ages 25 to 54 then People magazine will tell you what your customers are talking about. Read Jantsch's full explanation and I'll bet you won't think twice about subscribing.
- Really clean off your desk. Throw away old papers, file necessary papers, remove all the post-it notes from around your computer monitor, get out the furniture polish or a wet rag and wipe the desk surface clean.
- Make and prioritize your list of what you want to do the first week in January. I always feel overwhelmed when the holidays are over and lose the first few days in January because I'm in chaos and trying to do everything on the first day. Keep in mind that your customers will feel the same way and may not be as receptive to you at this time.
- Get your tax stuff in order. By April 15th you won't remember half of what you did in 2010 and digging through papers and receipts to get your taxes done will be a huge distraction.
- Mentally reflect on your business. Do you have any clients that really bug you or drain you? Do you have any projects or tasks that you dread doing? Is there anything you do in your business day that feels like a waste of time? Think about how you can eliminate energy draining projects or clients so you can focus on increasing your sales and on projects you really enjoy.
- Have fun. Spend time with friends, go see a movie, hit the gym, or do whatever you enjoy that helps you refuel to start the new year off with energy.
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